
Website operator

Baarerstrasse 10, 6300 Zug

Swiss Smyze AG
Baarerstrasse 10
6300 Zug

Commercial register entry CHE-251.914.839

Concept, con­tent, design and de­vel­op­ment of the web­site

Privacy Policy

The protection of your privacy is important to us. We strive to handle your data in a transparent manner. This privacy policy details what personal data is stored when you use the website and how the data is handled. In addition, we explain how you can opt out of the third-party services we use.

Smyze re­spects your pri­vacy

The protection of your privacy when your personal data is processed is very important to us, as is the security of all business data, and our business processes take this into consideration. We process the personal data we collect when you visit our website in a confidential manner and in compliance with the statutory provisions at all times.

Con­tact de­tails

Oliver Herklotz, CIO


+41 44 518 03 10

Purpose of the Robo Inside Video Recording

Theft prevention, system monitoring, support


Pur­pose of the web­site

The website provides general information about Smyze and about products, services, offers and career opportunities. 

General information about the collection, processing and use of personal data

‘Personal data’ refers to all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person which is an expression of a person’s identity, such as names, addresses, phone numbers or email addresses.

We only collect, process and use personal data (including IP addresses) to the extent necessary to perform a contract or implement pre-contractual measures, if you consent to it – e.g. as part of registration, online or offline in one of our branches – or if the processing is necessary in order to pursue our legitimate interests.

  • Contact details such as your name, phone number, email addresses, postal address and date of birth
  • Communication data such as your IP address, the MAC addresses of your devices, such as your smartphone or computer, device and settings information
  • Data relating to your purchase history, such as shopping data, including information about the products you purchased
  • Other personal data, such as credit card data, bank details and career information

Log Files

Whenever you use the internet, your browser automatically sends certain information that we store in what are known as log files.

We store the log files for the purposes of investigating disruptions and for security reasons (e.g. to investigate attempted attacks) for as long as necessary for their stated purposes, after which time they are deleted or anonymised. Log files that must continue to be kept for evidence purposes are not deleted until the final resolution of the incident, and may be passed on to investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis. The storage of log files serves our legitimate interest in the smooth, correct operation of our website.

In particular, the log files contain the following information:

  • IP (Internet Protocol) address of the device used to access the website;
  • Address of the website you were on before you visited our website (the referrer URL);
  • Name of the service provider used to access the website;
  • Name of the files and information accessed;
  • Date, time and duration of your visit;
  • Amount of data transferred; 
  • Operating system and information about your web browser, including your installed add-ons (e.g. for a password manager);
  • HTTP status code (e.g. ‘Request successful’ or ‘Requested file not found’).

User ana­lys­is

The website uses analytics tools (such as Google Analytics). The information collected about how you use websites is stored on servers of the tool provider. 

The analytics tools enable us to collect and analyse data about how visitors use our website. This way, we can determine when page visits take place and from what region.

Other collected data would include, for example, the names of files accessed, the browser used, the features used or the time spent on the website.

Smyze has a legitimate interest in the anonymised analysis of user behaviour in order to optimise both its website and its advertising. Where prior consent is requested when you visit our website (e.g. consent for the storage of cookies), the processing of data is based on your consent, which you can withdraw at any time with future effect.

For more de­tailed in­form­a­tion about the ana­lyt­ics tools we use, please see our  cookie policy  .

Dis­clos­ure of data

As a rule, we only disclose your personal data to other controllers if necessary for the performance of a contract, if we or the third party has an overriding legitimate interest in the disclosure of if you have given your consent.

Furthermore, data can be sent to other controllers if we are obliged to do so on the basis of the statutory provisions or an enforceable official or court order.

Ser­vice pro­viders

We engage external service providers with tasks such as marketing services, development operations, data hosting, shipping and debugging. We have selected these service providers with care and monitor them on a regular basis, especially how carefully they handle and secure the data in their possession. We have all our service providers undertake to maintain confidentiality and adhere to the statutory provisions.

Dis­clos­ure to re­cip­i­ents out­side of the EEA

We may also pass personal data on to recipients based outside the EEA in what are known as third countries. In this case, prior to the transfer, we ensure either that the recipient has an adequate level of data protection through corresponding contractual agreements or, if necessary, that we have your consent to the transfer.

Information about data storage: storage location and retention periods

Your data is primarily stored in Switzerland and Germany. Due to the variety of service providers, data is also stored in other EU countries and in the USA.

As a rule, we retain your data for as long as necessary to provide our offering and the related services or for as long as we have a legitimate interest in retaining the data (e.g. even after the performance of a contract, we might still have a legitimate interest in mail marketing). Afterwards, we will delete your personal data, excluding the data we need to retain in order to comply with legal obligations (e.g. retention periods under tax and commercial law require us to retain documents such as contracts and invoices for a certain period of time).


We use various tools for marketing activities. When these tools are used, your browser might establish a direct connection with the server of the tool in question. Consequently, the provider of the tool is informed that your browser has accessed the corresponding page on our website. Likewise, log files similar to the log files described in section 5 are sent to the provider’s server and potentially stored there. The provider or its server may be based outside of Switzerland or the EU or EEA (such as in the USA).

The data trans­fer takes place via third-party cook­ies.

For more information about the purpose, scope, further processing and use of the data, please refer to our  cookie policy  and the relevant general terms and conditions and data protection information.


The email address you used to subscribe to the newsletter or set up a customer account will be used to send you information about our products and services. You can object to this use at any time by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in the email.


Our employees and the service providers we engage are subject to non-disclosure obligations and are obliged to adhere to the provisions of the applicable data protection legislation.

We implement all necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee an adequate level of protection and protect the data we manage from, in particular, the risks of unintentional or unlawful destruction, manipulation, loss, modification, unauthorised disclosure and unauthorised access.

Your rights

To exercise your rights, please use the details in section ‘Contact details’. In doing so, please make sure that we are able to clearly identify you.

Right to in­form­a­tion and right of ac­cess

You are entitled to request information from us about the processing of your data. To do so, you can exercise a right of access with regard to the personal data concerning you that we are processing.

The data will be made available to you within 20 working days of our receipt of your request.

Right to rec­ti­fic­a­tion and eras­ure

You can demand that we rectify inaccurate data. Provided that the legal requirements are met, you can demand the completion or erasure of your data.

To demand the erasure of your data, please send your request in writing or contact us by phone. See Section contact for contact details.

This does not apply to data that is required for billing or accounting purposes or is subject to a statutory retention obligation.

The data will be erased within 20 working days of our receipt of your request. 

Data port­ab­il­ity

Provided that the legal requirements are met, you are entitled to receive the data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and, where technically feasible, have the data transmitted to a third party.

Right to ob­ject

Right to ob­ject to dir­ect mar­ket­ing

Furthermore, you can object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes at any time. Please note that, for organisational reasons, your objection might overlap with the use of your data as part of an ongoing campaign.

Objection to data processing on the legal grounds of a legitimate interest

Moreover, you are entitled to object to the processing of data by us at any time if the processing is based on the legal grounds of a legitimate interest. In this case, we will stop processing your data unless, in accordance with the statutory regulations, we are able to demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons to continue processing the data that override your rights.

With­draw­al of con­sent

If you have given us consent to process your data, you can withdraw it at any time with future effect. This does not affect the lawfulness of data processing up to the point of your withdrawal.

Amend­ments to the pri­vacy policy

We reserve the right to update our security and data protection measures. In these cases, we will also update our privacy policy accordingly.
