Boost your location with a Robobarista

The Smyze Robobarista is suitable for various locations: to relieve the pressure on high frequency locations, but also to revitalise niche locations on off-peak times. Almost without personnel expenses and with low maintenance costs.

The right drink at the right moment

Smyze at your exhibition

Are you looking for the wow factor for your exhibition and would like to relieve your staff at the same time? Then the Smyze Robobarista is the ideal solution: eye-catching, effective and futuristic.

Smyze is on the way

On the road offering the right drink at the right moment? At Smyze, the same top quality is always available - freshly prepared. At any time, even at night, without the need for staff.

Smyze for the short breaks

How about sustainable barista coffee for your employees and customers? Smyze offers over 50 drinks – from coffee to cola, from flat white to vitamin water. The right drink for everyone at any time of the year - and any time of the day.

How Smyze can also revitalise your business


Smyze makes you curious


Open 24/7 - without staff


High quality and sustainability


Smyze relieves and inspires


Low operating costs

The technology behind it: how Smyze works


drinks on offer


cloud-based software

4 m2





in operation


drinks per hour

Smyze orchestrates over a hundred components with its own software – including the dispensing system, the coffee machine, its arm and the ice machine. In addition, the Swiss robobarista informs the control center about his daily business, with his sensors acting as a nervous system: They report the status each minute, which then is continuously communicated to the departments.

Frequently asked question about the Smyze Robobarista

How fast is the Robobarista?

The Robobarista can deliver more than 100 drinks per hour, and it can make your favorite drink in 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Where can I experience the Robobarista live?

You can check the map for more information: All of our current locations are listed there.

Is the Robobarista manufactured in Switzerland?

Yes. The Smyze Robobarista is manufactured in Switzerland by our engineering team.

Does the Robobarista also serve alcoholic beverages?

We can easily add alcoholic beverages to your menu. It depends on the location environment, and whether we are legally allowed to do so.

How high are the error rates?

The Smyze Robobarista has an error rate < 1% if maintained following our instructions.

How do we organize cleaning and refilling?

Cleaning and refilling takes only 30 minutes per day. We have special manuals and training for the cleaning staff to make the process run smoothly.

Is it possible to easily transport/move the Robobarista?

Yes. The Robobarista can be easily transported and moved.

Your Smyze contacts

Do you have questions about the Robobarista? Or maybe you want a personalized partnership offer for your location? We look forward to hearing from you.

Portrait of Daniel Adamec

Daniel Adamec


Portrait of Dr. Sebastian Knebel

Dr. Sebastian Knebel

